Sunday, September 23, 2007

Okay. Thank you all for your patience.

I think we are finally ready to begin.

The "not ready for Star Wars players" are proud to present….


Fluke Starbucker said...

Hold on. Did the Emergency Meeting Committee on Comnmittees read and approve the minutes from the last emergency meeting of the Committee on Emergency Meeting Attendees invite list for the emergency meetings, and coordinate the reservation of the Emergency Meeting Conference room with the Emergency Meeting Conference Room Committee?

Where's the proper parlimentary procedure protocol, people!!!

Skywalker said...

LOL! The what of the what of the whatwhat?

Anonymous said...

*falls off chair laughing*

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Yeah, and is the committee following Uncle Mike's Rules of Committee Meetings? 'Cuz if they don't there's gonna be heck to pay.

A Army Of (Cl)One said...

ohhh i've got goose pimple over all the excitement

and due to the cube of ice in my underwear

Shiara said...